• Image of Dacia Idom holding a camera like she is taking the photo, there is a stool behind her and white background. Text reads Artist series – Dacia Idom.

    JUNK Artist Series | Dacia Idom

    Dacia Idom is an artist and social activist that uses her poetry and photography to get people feeling, thinking, and to drive her subject matter home to instill a lasting impression long after the viewer has walked away. And her subject matter of choice? Telling the stories of Black Americans and shedding light on the injustices committed against them.
  • Image of artist Adrian Gipson with glasses smiling in a collared shirt with text that reads “artist series, Adrian Gipson”

    JUNK Artist Series | Adrian Gipson

    Adrian Gipson is a teacher and artist who uses his love of art with a scientific twist to pass on the appreciation to the next generation. Get to know Adrian and see how he blends together the world of art and science to create something entirely new! And experience how his art translates to the world of athletic wear.